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One-on-one NGS consultation for a Principal Investigator or an Executive One-on-one NGS consultation by Dr. Sijung Yun, C.E.O. for a Principal Investigator or an Executive. For details, contact the C.E.O. directly. Sijung Yun's email address is sijungyun@yottabiomed.com

One-on-one NGS consultation for a Principal Investigator or an Executive

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$ 400.00

One-on-one NGS consultation by Dr. Sijung Yun, C.E.O. for a Principal Investigator or an Executive. For details, contact the C.E.O. directly. Sijung Yun's email address is sijungyun@yottabiomed.com

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Receive one-on-one consultation from Dr. Sijung Yun at hourly rate of $350.